Journey with Bradwin Jordan and Propel Growth Associates

Guiding Your Path with Over 20 Years of Wisdom and Experience

Embark on a transformative journey grounded in Self Awareness, Personal Responsibility, and the five other pillars that have shaped successful stories for over two decades. Your voyage towards unparalleled personal and professional growth is not a path tread alone – it’s a collective journey, one we embark upon together.

My Vision

To become a light in the field of personal and professional development, inspiring a community to achieve their fullest potential. I see a world where growth and continuous learning are embraced by everyone, leading to more fulfilled lives and thriving careers.

My Mission

To empower individuals and professionals through transformative coaching, inspirational speeches, and insightful learning and development courses. Dedicated to unlocking potential, fostering growth, and facilitating sustainable personal and professional development

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My Story

Roots of Resilience and Growth

In the heart of Toledo, OH, where my journey began amidst humble beginnings, the seeds of resilience, empathy, and perseverance were sown. With a business management bachelor's degree, an MBA, and the fortune of sharing 23 wonderful years with my soulmate and three beautiful children, my journey extends through realms of education, family, and community.

Personal Growth
Self Awareness
Leadership Skills

A Life Engrained with the Seven Principles

Principles that Forge a Path

My path, though individual in its narrative, is collectively bound by the seven principles that have guided each step, decision, and milestone. From the sports fields of playing football and basketball, and coaching football, basketball, and soccer to the boardrooms of community service, the principles have been the steadfast companions of my journey, offering Wise Counsel, instilling Empathy, and reinforcing Perseverance through every triumph and challenge.

A Beacon of Faith and Mentorship

Embarking on a Spiritual and Developmental Voyage

Faith and mentorship have illuminated my pathway, enabling the development of a resonating Self Awareness and intrinsic Positive Attitude. Whether steering the ship as a mentor or learning as a mentee, the principles have permeated every interaction, facilitating environments where knowledge, experience, and wisdom are not just shared but are synergistically multiplied.

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A Commitment to Uplift Others

Inspiring Waves of Positive Transformation

Being a beacon of positivity and an instigator of motivational currents, my commitment transcends beyond personal boundaries, embracing all in its warmth. It is my firm belief that by fostering Personal Responsibility and advocating for Decisive Action, we not only elevate ourselves but uplift those around us, paving the way for a domino effect of positive and motivational transformation.

Invitation to Join the Journey

Let's Create Your Success Story Together

Your story, awaiting its next magnificent chapter, beckons for the principles that have been tried and tested for over two decades. Let’s intertwine our journeys, navigating through the paths of personal and professional growth, cultivating an environment where you are propelled towards becoming the best version of yourself.